Biohazard Signs and Labels
Biohazard and Bloodborne Pathogen Signs
These Biohazard labels and signs help warn and defend against often hidden and deadly hazards.
• Adhere biohazard labels on the containers or biohazard storage equipment (such as a storage cabinets, waste containers, waste bags, evidence bags, freezers / refrigerators, etc.) that may include toxins or organisms that cause disease.
• Biohazard labels help prevent workers from keeping food or drink in refrigerators, on top of countertops or bench tops where blood or other potentially infectious materials are present.
• Use Biohazard Signs on doors that contain biohazards and warn workers and other visitors to the danger.
• We offer a range of signs, from architecture-designed modular signs to conspicuous fluorescent signs or magnetic biohazard signs for cabinets. Mount your Safety Signs and Safety Decals Indoors or Outdoors, all weatherproof and will last for many, many years.
• Some of our best selling OSHA Safety Signs are shown here. Please use our lightening-fast search feature to quickly display designs that work for you. We offer the largest selection of OSHA signs and lables on the web.
• It’s also easy to create your own OSHA sign using one of the templates below. Personalize your sign and give your business a professional touch for no added fee. Simply type your custom message in the comment section during checkout.
• Each Design is available in TWO Aluminum Sizes (.040 Aluminum with rounded corners) and THREE Decal Sizes. Please select from the drop down menus.
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